
Tools Used In Maya and Unreal - Pros and Cons, Why I Used Them (#5)

In Maya I used a number of common and simple tools when there was an advanced library of tools open for use by me. However i didn't really touch most of those tools and in retrospect I probably should of tried most of them to find out if they were better than the simple more 'core' tools that i was using. However it is hard to know which tools to use when you didn't know those tools existed in the first place. Some of the tools I used in Maya: View and object - Focus Face Vertex Extrude Connect Three-View Editing Outliner Window Duplicate Target Weld Bake Simulation Game Exporter Hypershade Primitive Objects Some of the tools I didn't use: HumanIK Skinning Rigging Netwon Other particle FX Volume Manipulator Edge Pivot Point Multi Cut Boolean Mirror Edge Loop Transparent View Why did I use the tools i did? Focusing on objects allowed me to move the camera around everywhere but ultimately allowed me to keep track of...

Game Creation (#4)

It's time to start the process of making my game,  first off i need to set up my map. So as can be seen i set up my basic walls, these walls are not shoot-able and will make the basic maze. The player is spawned bottom right and he has to make his way over to where the moving tool is being used. How i set this is up is mostly by used the scale tool on the outside walls and then copy and pasting them as squares, I then deleted the walls that i will replace with destructible walls. The next thing i did was set up my destructible walls. I did this by create a trigger box and creating a blueprint attached to that, this allowed me to go in to the script and say OnCollision, delete itself. I then create and object inside of the trigger box viewport, this is the wall that is destructible, i re-sized it using the scale tool and copy and pasted it around the map. The first sort of functionality I made was the flashlight, I plan to add a roof over the top of this maze and make...

Gun Model Creation (#3)

So for my game and my project in general i need to create a gun model in Maya. The model i will be using is the Gravity Gun from Half Life 2. The reason i want to use this gun is because I've spent many hours using it in Garry's Mod and so I'm quite familiar with it. Not only that but it's a very iconic weapon and has many pictures and schematics out there on the internet. This is the sort of thing I want to make. It will also mean that I use a variety of tools during its creation which i can expand upon in this blog in later posts. I believe it'd be more appropriate for the projectile to just be the standard bullet rather than a laser. This is because there were not any requirements set for the type of projectile and also the design of my game would be easier using singular projectiles rather than 1 long collision for a laser beam. On to the model creation itself. This is my first time using Maya but I've learnt a bit before actually using it. The easi...

Brainstorming my Game (#2)

What is the scope? First of all, I need to decide how large of a game I want to create. This should be based on hour long i have to work on it. I only have 3 months roughly to work on it if you take in to account how much time I will need to acclimatise to this new engine and blueprints. This game needs to be small, within the boundaries of the first person template. I also need it to show certain mechanics, to be precise, gun mechanics. I need to create a gun model and somehow implement it in to my game. The game needs to be at least 3-5 minutes of gameplay and come with all the bells and whistles when it comes to menus and UI in general. What should the concept be? Secondly, I need to decide what the game should be like, what should it be inspired by. How will the basic core of the game look like. I recently watched the Maze Runner movies. It's made me want to create a fast paced maze running game. So i will put in lot's of walls where the player can mo...

Trying Unreal Engine 4 (#1)

Trying Unreal Engine 4 To start with, I have never used ue4 . I opened ue4 and straight away i noticed that the layout is somewhat similar to Unity . The both have the ability to redesign the layout of the engine, both have similar concepts for their engine design such as a build/play/launch button. The assets of Unity directly translate to the Content Browser of ue4 . My first impressions of this launcher is that i already have a familiarity with it due to this similarity between engine design concepts with Unity . The first difference i noticed was the modes section that allows you to drop and drag assets and recently used assets instead of doing from the Content Browser like you would do in Unity . Not only that but it seems like there is a built in geometry editor to edit shapes in the engine itself. The details tab where it shows the components attached to an object and physics settings seems to be similar to Unity as well, however it seems that...