
Showing posts from November, 2018

Tools Used In Maya and Unreal - Pros and Cons, Why I Used Them (#5)

In Maya I used a number of common and simple tools when there was an advanced library of tools open for use by me. However i didn't really touch most of those tools and in retrospect I probably should of tried most of them to find out if they were better than the simple more 'core' tools that i was using. However it is hard to know which tools to use when you didn't know those tools existed in the first place. Some of the tools I used in Maya: View and object - Focus Face Vertex Extrude Connect Three-View Editing Outliner Window Duplicate Target Weld Bake Simulation Game Exporter Hypershade Primitive Objects Some of the tools I didn't use: HumanIK Skinning Rigging Netwon Other particle FX Volume Manipulator Edge Pivot Point Multi Cut Boolean Mirror Edge Loop Transparent View Why did I use the tools i did? Focusing on objects allowed me to move the camera around everywhere but ultimately allowed me to keep track of...

Game Creation (#4)

It's time to start the process of making my game,  first off i need to set up my map. So as can be seen i set up my basic walls, these walls are not shoot-able and will make the basic maze. The player is spawned bottom right and he has to make his way over to where the moving tool is being used. How i set this is up is mostly by used the scale tool on the outside walls and then copy and pasting them as squares, I then deleted the walls that i will replace with destructible walls. The next thing i did was set up my destructible walls. I did this by create a trigger box and creating a blueprint attached to that, this allowed me to go in to the script and say OnCollision, delete itself. I then create and object inside of the trigger box viewport, this is the wall that is destructible, i re-sized it using the scale tool and copy and pasted it around the map. The first sort of functionality I made was the flashlight, I plan to add a roof over the top of this maze and make...

Gun Model Creation (#3)

So for my game and my project in general i need to create a gun model in Maya. The model i will be using is the Gravity Gun from Half Life 2. The reason i want to use this gun is because I've spent many hours using it in Garry's Mod and so I'm quite familiar with it. Not only that but it's a very iconic weapon and has many pictures and schematics out there on the internet. This is the sort of thing I want to make. It will also mean that I use a variety of tools during its creation which i can expand upon in this blog in later posts. I believe it'd be more appropriate for the projectile to just be the standard bullet rather than a laser. This is because there were not any requirements set for the type of projectile and also the design of my game would be easier using singular projectiles rather than 1 long collision for a laser beam. On to the model creation itself. This is my first time using Maya but I've learnt a bit before actually using it. The easi...